Tenerife Family Church is a mission-minded church where everybody is welcome, nobody is perfect and all things are possible! We are a community that loves Jesus, loves people and loves doing life together, meeting up regularly to socialise, spend time together and meet with God. We do this in various ways throughout the week and we would love to get to know you too. Whether you are a holiday-maker or a resident, Tenerife Family Church is a place where you will belong.
We look forward to meeting you!

We also offer free Sunday pick-ups from Costa del Silencio.
Dial Prix - Coral Mar - 9:50 am pick-up.
get connected
Getting connected is simple!
We are called Tenerife Family Church because that is what we are – a family! There are a few ways you can connect with us – whether you are here for a short stay or more permanently, we look forward to getting to know you and having you join our church family!


Join us this week...
Family Service - Sunday 10:30 am
Our usual service is at our location in Las Chafiras. Kids Church is also available for children aged 4-12 years old. This begins after the initial time of worship. A creche for toddlers is available throughout the entire service. The creche is separated from the main room by a large glass window and parents can follow the service via speakers and a monitor screen.
Men's Breakfast - Monday 10:30 am (Lizzie's Bistro, Costa del Silencio)
A time of fellowship for the TFC men. Everyone is welcome. Enjoy breakfast with fellow Christians, pray, and discuss Sunday's sermon.
Ladies Meeting - Monday 10:30 am (At church)
A time of fellowship for the TFC ladies usually over coffee as we pray and study the Word.
Mid-Week Prayer meeting and Bible Study - Wednesday 6 pm (At church)
Everyone is welcome to join us for an hour-and-a-half meeting of prayer, worship and bible study - We have now integrated the Spanish group into the Bible Study, so there is simultaneous translation for our Spanish Brothers and Sisters. There is fellowship afterwards if you want to join us!

Where Are You In Your Jesus Walk | The Reality Of Where We Are

The Founding of an Army | Ezekiel 37:10

God's Bringing It All Together | Forming the body - Dry Bones Series

Hear The Word Of The LORD! | The Valley of the Dry Bones EZE 37:4